Hello, friend. I'm Olya.

It’s actually kind of funny that I started with wall art, of all things.

In a perfect world, I wouldn’t even have walls. I often daydream of living in an idyllic little hut without a clearly defined boundary between indoors and outdoors, surrounded by indigenous—preferably tropical—vegetation. Unfortunately, like many of us, I still have work and responsibilities that tie me to a different kind of concrete jungle, where walls are a necessity. This leaves me with only one option—to cover my walls with something more beautiful, like plants and art.

As a writer, photographer, and an all-around creative person, I started thinking about making something of my own and shortly after came up with plant spirits—a concept that I’ve been marinating on for a while. A few days later I had my very first sketch of a beautiful Monstera spirit, followed by the Air plant, Pilea, Orchid, and my other favorites that you’ll find here. Then, I found a metalworking shop that would laser cut my designs for me and the rest is history. These art pieces look so great next to the little plant oases around our house that I’m already thinking about other ways of expanding the collection. There are a lot of other exciting ideas I'm currently propagating so definitely follow me on @plantamime to see where this goes.

When I’m not drawing or digging in dirt, I am also a professional copywriter, wife and mom to two boys. Unfortunately we don’t have any pets because my little one is allergic, but we do have a ton of plants. A couple years ago we made the big move from New York City to nearby Connecticut where I now have significantly more space for my ever-growing plant collection. It’s not quite the tropical paradise of my dreams, but definitely a step in the right direction.

Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope you’ll find your spirit plant here.

Stay wild,


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